In this article, I will talk about how to configure UTF-8 in IBM WAS, Oracle Weblogic, Tomcat, TC Server & JBoss.

WebSphere Application Server

Login into WebSphere Administrative Console Expand Servers » Application Servers Click on Application Server (JVM) you want to enable UTF-8 Expand Java and Process Management under Server Infrastructure Click on Process Definition Click on Java Virtual Machine Add the following parameter in Generic Java Arguments

Click Ok, Sync the node if applicable Restart Application Server (JVM) for changes to take effect.

Oracle WebLogic Server

Go to Weblogic Domain path Go to bin folder Add following parameter in under JAVA_OPTS variable.

Restart Weblogic server for changes to take effect.


Go to tomcat home (installation) folder Go to conf folder Add the following parameter in server.xml under Connector port.

Note: if you have multiple Connector ports, you must add them under all.

Go to tomcat home (installation folder) Go to bin folder Add the following parameter in under JAVA_OPTS variable.


Restart Tomcat Server for changes to take effect.

TC Server

Go to TC Server instance folder Go to conf folder Add the following parameter in server.xml under Connector port.

Go to TC Server instance folder Go to bin folder Add following in under CATALINA_OPTS variable


Restart TC Server for changes to take effect.

JBoss Application Server

Go to JBoss installation path Go to bin folder Add the following parameter in standalone.conf under JAVA_OPTS

Restart JBoss Server for changes to take effect.

UTF-8 Validation Tools

You can use following online tool to validate if your web application is UTF-8 supported I hope above instructions help you in configuring UTF-8 in multiple application servers. If you are looking to enhance skills in Oracle Weblogic administration, then check out this course by Chris Parent.

UTF 8 Configuration in WebSphere  WebLogic  Tomcat  TC Server  JBoss - 39UTF 8 Configuration in WebSphere  WebLogic  Tomcat  TC Server  JBoss - 69UTF 8 Configuration in WebSphere  WebLogic  Tomcat  TC Server  JBoss - 79UTF 8 Configuration in WebSphere  WebLogic  Tomcat  TC Server  JBoss - 39UTF 8 Configuration in WebSphere  WebLogic  Tomcat  TC Server  JBoss - 6UTF 8 Configuration in WebSphere  WebLogic  Tomcat  TC Server  JBoss - 11