These connecting words create a natural flow for the content, hook readers, and increase engagement. This article talks about transition words – what they are, why to use them, how to use them, and much more.   

What Are Transition Words and Why Use Them?

Transition words are like a bridge that helps in connecting words, phrases, ideas, and concepts with each other. They show a relationship between sentences, phrases, and also paragraphs.  Such words are known to improve the readability of the content. Here, content readability measures how easily your readers can understand your content.  Using transition words helps your text flow naturally and makes it easier for the readers to understand how a writer’s thoughts and ideas are connected. It also prepares the readers beforehand for what’s coming next.  While these words aren’t known to impact overall page rank on search engine result pages, they can improve your content’s readability, subsequently contributing to increased ranking. SEO transition words consist of singular words and a combination of words forming a phrase. For instance, ‘consequently’ is a singular transition word, and ‘once in a while’ is a combination of words forming a transition phrase. 

Transition Words Examples

Here are some examples of transition words that you might or might not have come across: Example 1: He tripped over a dumbbell in the gym. As a result, he fell and hurt his knee. In this example, the second sentence starts with ‘as a result,’ which tells the readers that what happened next is the result of the action in the first sentence.  Example 2: Max loves playing badminton because it helps relieve stress. In this example, the transition word ‘because’ connects two phrases and tells the readers why Max loves playing badminton.  Let’s now talk a little bit about different types of transition words.

Types of Transition Words

#1. Addition / Agreement / Similarity

It helps merge two or more thoughts and shows a corresponding relationship. Usually, writers use these transition words to emphasize contrasting contexts and audience engagement.  Examples: also, and, again, further, lastly, in addition, what’s more, finally, besides, of course.

#2. Contradiction / Opposition / Limitation

Used when an action anticipating an outcome ends with a different result.  Examples: nevertheless, in spite of, despite, instead, in contrast, in reality, although, otherwise, on the other hand.

#3. Cause and Effect

Leverage these words when one particular event triggers another. With the help of such words, readers know that two occurrences are directly connected.  Examples: consequently, as a result, hence, therefore, next, thus.

#4. Compare and Contrast

Used when a writer wants to show a relationship between two or more thoughts or ideas being compared based on differences or similarities.  Examples: compared to, after all, likewise, on the contrary, on the other hand, conversely, but, similarly, whereas.

#5. Emphasis

It helps in showing certainty and conviction. Using emphatic transition words establishes a sense of authority.  Examples: always, indeed, certainly, absolutely, emphatically, in fact, undeniably, without a doubt, in any case.

#6. Illustration

It can connect a statement to a follow-up example that illustrates the point.  Examples: for example, in another case, for instance, as an illustration, take the case of, to demonstrate, in this situation, to illustrate.

#7. Time, Order, and Sequence

It is used when you want to inform the audience of a series of time-dependent events. These events have already occurred or will occur in the future.  Sequential transition words are commonly used in instructional or how-to articles to ensure that the steps are followed in the correct order.  Examples: afterwards, formerly, after, and then, after a few hours, eventually.

#8. Space / Location / Place

References to space, location, or place are commonly used in most types of writing. Examples: there, across, where, before, here.

#9. Summarize or Conclude

A summarizing or concluding transition word indicates to the readers that they are nearing the end.  These transition words usually summarize the most important points of the content and leave readers with key takeaways. Examples: In brief, to conclude, in conclusion, accordingly, to summarize, hence, thus, therefore, as a result, in short.

#10. Repetition

When a statement is of vital importance, use repetition of transition words to ensure that the readers understand the statement’s importance. Examples: as noted earlier, I repeat, again, as I said, in brief. As we said, transition words don’t directly impact SEO rankings but affect rankings indirectly. Let’s see how.

What Makes Transition Words Important for SEO?

If you want to engage the readers with your content, you should always focus on presenting your thoughts and ideas in a structured and organized manner. Unorganized content will leave your readers high and dry, increasing your website’s bounce rate. Using relevant transition words in the content lets a reader connect efficiently with your content.  It has been seen that transitional content is easier to read compared to the chunk of content having no proper sequence. Transitional words guide the readers from point X to point Y by establishing a relationship between different sentences and paragraphs.  Readability is one of the most important SEO strategies you must consider when writing a blog, article, or website copy.  The content with a title, lists, subheadings, and transition words demonstrates the higher quality and is easier for search engines to detect, further improving search rankings. 

How to Use Transition Words to Improve SEO Score?

Using transition words frequently does not come naturally to everyone. Here are the tips that will help you use them successfully and improve the content’s SEO score:

#1. Broaden Your Transition Words Vocabulary

The first thing that needs to be done to improve your SEO score with transition words is to know them. Not knowing the transitional words or how to use them is one of the most common problems writers face, specifically non-native writers.  To increase your transition words knowledge, you can search for the list of such words and study their definitions with examples.  Here’s a list, for example: Note: Always remember that transition words can create confusion when used out of context, so use them appropriately. 

#2. Understand the Relationship

Knowing different transition words and using them correctly in your content – are two different things. You need to see the relationship between these words and your content.  Understanding how and when each transition word can be used is significant for creating naturally flowing content.  If you’re unsure that a transition word fits, read the sentence aloud. You will instantly know if the sentence with the transition word is making sense or not.

#3. Avoid Overusing Transition Words

Most writers end up overusing transition words due to limited vocabulary or little to no knowledge about these words. Overused transition words make statements monotonous and tough to understand. Many readers and editors notice this particular mistake often, which further harms the credibility and readability of the content.  So, always try to use just enough transition words that are relevant and contribute to making the content interesting. 

Top Transition Words to Use When Writing a Blog Post

Here listed are some top transition words that you can use when writing a blog post: #1. According to  Example: According to John, Silicon Valley is a great web series.  #2. Although Example: Although she acts tough, she has a soft heart. #3. As well as Example: She could be tender, sensitive, as well as beautiful. #4. As a result Example: Harry misbehaved with his professor, and as a result, he was suspended for a week. #5. Additionally Example: Additionally, you can choose between the growth and business plan we have.  #6. Before Example: I have never seen him so exhausted before now. #7. By all means Example: Feel free to use my watch if you like, by all means.  #8. Besides Example: He knows five hundred words besides several proper nouns.  #9. Compared to Example: When it comes to speed, a train is nothing compared to a jet. #10. For example Example: It’s not that difficult to get in your daily exercise. For example, John walks to his home from this office. 

The Do’s and Don’ts of Using Transition Words


#1. Plan an Outline

Planning an outline of your content will help you see where transition words can be placed to tie your ideas together. 

#2. Decide Where to Place Transition Words

Transition words are so versatile that they can be placed easily in the content. Knowing where to put these words or phrases will help you create high-quality content. 

#3. Consider the Relationship of What You Want to Connect

You should know their relationship when connecting two sentences or phrases in your writing. Understanding the same allows you to choose the correct transition words for representing the appropriate relationship between sentences. 


#1. Overusing Transition Words

Transition words help in improving content readability only when they are used appropriately. Overusing them can make your content difficult to read and understand.

#2. Start Every Sentence with a Transition Word

Starting every sentence with a transition word disrupts the natural flow of the content. So, make sure to use transition words at the start of the sentence only when it makes your meaning clearer. 

Wrapping Up

Using transition words and phrases appropriately in the content is a simple yet highly impactful way to improve the content’s quality and boost search rankings.  These words are a glue that holds your writing together and makes it easier to read and understand.  Make sure to study them to become a good writer.

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