Once they come to the homepage of a website, 86% of them seek information on products or services, 52% are interested to know about the business, and 64% expect to find contact information. Moreover, 59% of consumers engage with well-designed and attractive websites. source After all, your customers want to be fed relevant information and enjoy a seamless browsing experience on your website so that they not only successfully make a purchase from you but also never hesitate to come back or to spread the word about your business in their circles. Therefore, if you are currently thinking of redesigning your website, always remember: 73% of consumers consider customer experience (CX) as an important factor in purchasing decisions. The implementation of a robust CX strategy when redesigning a website helps in boosting customer acquisition and conversion rates. That’s where personalization enters the picture. Unfortunately, many redesign projects wait until their completion to add that element to the website. So, how should you go about integrating a CX strategy into your website design? Check out these tips:

Understand how people get on your website

There was a point in time when it was difficult to know exactly how consumers were landing on a website. However, with improvements in data gathering and analytics, it has become much easier to pinpoint the source of the website traffic. If you have relevant information about website acquisitions, you can analyze and use the data efficiently. Ideally, you should study the information from multiple angles, such as time, sources, pages, and various segments that are key to understanding how your customers use the website. Therefore, identify the source of your website traffic as that’s important for creating a great experience; but, guess what? It is only one part of the puzzle. There are several analytics tools available to help. Choose the one you like.

Google Analytics (free)Matomo (commercial for a cloud-based, free option for self-hosted)Crazyegg

Studying your customers is essential

Regardless of whether you are upgrading an existing product or redesigning a website, you ought to tie it back to your profiles. And, any website redesign that doesn’t keep the user at its center is going to have a tough time engaging and converting them. These days, there are tons of tools to analyze interactions and build buyer personas. What do your customers want? By analyzing data and creating user profiles, you will be able to answer this question much more thoroughly. Learning about your target customers and the reasons why they shop from you is critical if you want your redesign to be successful. Tools such as following on top of analytics can help you do that.


Adopting personalization methods

Consumers of today love a personalized experience. It makes them feel good about interacting with a brand, which further increases their chances of converting. By implementing personalization tactics during your website redesign, you can create a unique user experience for every customer of yours. The team at Optimizely took the idea of personalization and ran with it like a pro by creating a whopping 26 versions of their website to better cater to each customer. Yup – 26 versions! That is a lot of hard work, but a business can only build brand loyalty, nurture and engage visitors and convert them quicker by adopting personalization to the ‘t.’ You may use Optimizely to offer a personalized product to your user or may consider implementing an in-house solution with the help of the Geolocation API service.

Develop a holistic user profile

To get the complete picture of a prospective customer and how best to market to them, you need to get a perfect idea of their desires, habits, and interactions when on your website. Only by knowing and utilizing all these elements can your redesign be effective. To optimize your website so that it performs at its peak, please consider a holistic customer experience strategy, which could include a questionnaire for your target customers to fill. Some of the questions can be:

How did they hear about you?What first attracted them to your website?How long do they typically spend on your website?Have they ever purchased it with you? If so, what compelled to do so?Have they ever interacted with your website with the intent of making a purchase but then decided against it? If so, what led them to this decision?On a scale of 1 to 10, how easy is it for them to navigate your website?

HubSpot’s Make My Persona is an excellent tool to get customer feedback and to create user profiles. Having a 360-degree view of your target customers will allow for adjustments to be made easier and experiences to be enhanced. Therefore, derive data in detail.

Test your website; update it

Only through rigorous testing can you understanding whether the developments you’ve implemented have had an impact. A redesign is never genuinely complete but rather an ever-evolving journey based on the customers that use the website. The customer journey is only as insightful as the testing that goes into developing it. Therefore, keep testing and keep updating according to market and consumer behavioral changes. You may not find mistakes in the user navigation feature of the website, but there is always scope for improvement when it comes to CX.

Over to you

Consumers don’t always want to purchase something; instead, they yearn for a great customer experience that matches the product or service that’s being offered. For this reason, it’s imperative to provide a level of customer experience that not only creates a fruitful rapport with the customer but also makes them happy. So when are you redesigning your website?

Integrating CX Strategies Into Your Website Redesign - 95Integrating CX Strategies Into Your Website Redesign - 53Integrating CX Strategies Into Your Website Redesign - 73Integrating CX Strategies Into Your Website Redesign - 44Integrating CX Strategies Into Your Website Redesign - 92Integrating CX Strategies Into Your Website Redesign - 65Integrating CX Strategies Into Your Website Redesign - 41Integrating CX Strategies Into Your Website Redesign - 2Integrating CX Strategies Into Your Website Redesign - 27Integrating CX Strategies Into Your Website Redesign - 15