Are you taking advantage of TLS 1.3 enhanced performance and security? TLS 1.3 draft working version was released in 2017 and glad to see many websites have adopted this.

If you are a website owner, then you can consider enabling it today. Check out my previous article about how to enable TLs 1.3 in Apache, Nginx and Cloudflare. But how about client-side – browsers? Chrome starting from 63 version and Firefox 61 have started supporting TLS 1.3, and if your browser doesn’t support this yet, then you are missing the performance and privacy features.

Enabling TLS 1.3 in Chrome

Launch Chrome Type the following in the address bar and hit Enter

Ensure it’s not disabled. You can select Default or Enabled.

Relaunch Chrome for setting to be effective

Enabling TLS 1.3 in Firefox

Launch Firefox Type about:config in the address bar and hit Enter Start typing tls.version in a search, and you should see the following

Ensure security.tls.version.max value is 4 If not, double-click on it to modify to 4.

Enabling TLS 1.3 in Safari

Open the terminal and become a root

sudo su - root

Type the following command and hit Enter

Relaunch Safari to enjoy the benefits.

Browser Test for TLS 1.3

How do you ensure your browser supports the latest TLS version? There are a few tools you can use it. Just hit the following page to test it. Browser experience security check by Cloudflare – this is how a result looks when a browser supports it.

How’s My SSL – check SSL/TLS protocol compatibility, known vulnerability support.

I hope this quick instruction help you to enable the latest TLS 1.3 version in Chrome and Firefox.

How to Enable TLS 1 3 in Chrome  Safari and Firefox  - 64How to Enable TLS 1 3 in Chrome  Safari and Firefox  - 9How to Enable TLS 1 3 in Chrome  Safari and Firefox  - 36How to Enable TLS 1 3 in Chrome  Safari and Firefox  - 18How to Enable TLS 1 3 in Chrome  Safari and Firefox  - 55How to Enable TLS 1 3 in Chrome  Safari and Firefox  - 26How to Enable TLS 1 3 in Chrome  Safari and Firefox  - 26How to Enable TLS 1 3 in Chrome  Safari and Firefox  - 74How to Enable TLS 1 3 in Chrome  Safari and Firefox  - 10How to Enable TLS 1 3 in Chrome  Safari and Firefox  - 4How to Enable TLS 1 3 in Chrome  Safari and Firefox  - 46How to Enable TLS 1 3 in Chrome  Safari and Firefox  - 39