The digital situation at the time wasn’t ready for this fast transformation, having many unresolved issues such as low code quality or unqualified cybersecurity culture among employees. And with most businesses moving to operate on a remote basis, they simply gave the go-ahead for hackers to become more active.

Statistics show that in 2021 ransomware attacks increased by 100%, causing $20 billion in losses, and the most significant impact was on the healthcare sector. CNA alone had a ransom payment worth $40 million. Nowadays, it is tough for organizations to be 100% protected. However, there are specific measures that can be taken to minimize risks.

Employee awareness training

Employee awareness in cybersecurity is probably the most vital layer of protection organizations can have. Being successful in business is all about reacting fast under pressure. This extends to cybersecurity. All it takes is one single bad reaction and one single click on the wrong link. Educating employees and raising their cybersecurity awareness is a must nowadays, especially after the digital transformation where cyberattacks are significantly increasing. Cybersecurity courses would be a positive long-term investment for each organization. They would ensure that the organization’s data are protected inside the organization’s building and even with employees working remotely.

Avoiding public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi is the most unsecure connection. It is so easy for us to access and use it, but at the same time, it is as easy for a hacker to breach our data. A few precautions could decrease the risks of using public Wi-Fi, such as using a VPN and not accessing any websites containing the user’s financial data, but those are not enough. Nowadays, there are some governmental regulations for public Wi-Fi networks. One of those is having user-friendly internet DNS filters, which also provide cybersecurity protection on the DNS level, preventing users from accessing malicious data. So, if you need to use public Wi-Fi, make sure that it’s at least certified as a secure connection.

Email protection

Email protection is just another must for any user, given the number of phishing attacks and how they have significantly increased over the past few years. Phishing was the most common type of cybercrime in 2020 — and the incidents nearly doubled in frequency, from 114,702 in 2019 to 241,324 in 2020. To avoid such incidents, two-factor authentication is recommended, along with changing the password once or twice a year and adding another layer of protection by using an email security gateway.

Having an up-to-date backup

It is always important to back up your data on an external device or cloud-based storage. Cloud-based storage is highly recommended, especially for those who use two-factor authentication. By backing up your data, you decrease the risks of losing them when attacked by malware or ransomware.

Having an extra layer of protection on the DNS level

Antivirus on your device is a very smart choice, especially if you keep sensitive data on it. But adding an extra layer of protection on the DNS level would be a wiser option, as they can both work together and give you the ultimate protection. A DNS level protection would keep you safe from all malicious content before it even reaches your network. And that’s where we specialize.


SafeDNS is a DNS filtering service that protects users from malware, ransomware, phishing, and botnets by default. Besides that, a user can filter the internet usage and block an unwanted website with the help of a user-friendly dashboard that is totally cloud-based.

The benefits of using SafeDNS are:

Easy deployment and management (No IT background needed). Doesn’t require any hardware or software. 108 million website database that is constantly updated by Machine Learning, divided into 61 categories. Each can be blocked with a single click. Customized block/allow list and allow list feature. Different profiles for different with unique settings. The ability to monitor each profile and get a stat report for internet usage. SafeDNS also provides a software-based agent installed on devices and keeps them protected wherever they go.

Final Words 👩‍🏫

Cybercrime is increasing exponentially worldwide, and it has become essential to have adequate protection while you are online. With SafeDNS, you don’t have to install any software or purchase any hardware, and unlike antivirus, the service won’t put any performance pressure on your device. All you need to do is simply integrate the service and become protected in only a few minutes. Learn how to protect yourself from cyber extortion.

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