Emails have become a popular mode of professional and personal communication. However, this productivity tool can cause annoyance and distraction if it gets cluttered by promotional emails and newsletters you never bother to open. Also, it hampers your efficiency as you cannot find an important email easily and need to spend time searching that email. To avoid all these situations, you should follow some basic tips. If you want to know how to clean your Gmail inbox or Outlook and Yahoo inboxes, for that matter, read on!

How to Clean Up Email with Manual Methods

If you have time to clean up your Gmail or any other email inboxes, you might try these techniques that will help you get rid of unwanted or irrelevant emails.

Deleting Old Emails

Do you remember how many people you tried to contact while looking for a job five years ago? Well, probably you do not. In that case, there is no point in keeping your inbox filled with those correspondence emails. Most people do not need email conversations that took place 5 to 10 years ago. Therefore, you must delete those emails to keep your inbox light and tidy. Moreover, if you receive numerous emails every day, deleting old ones will prevent your email account space quota from getting full. If you want to know how to clean up emails older than 5 years, here is the trick. Perform an advanced search that will show you emails before your specified year. Thus, you can delete them all and keep only the new and relevant emails.

Filter Emails With Keywords

Sometimes, deleting emails older than a specific time is not enough to remove all the unnecessary emails. You need to filter them using particular keywords. Let us assume that you received hundreds of work proposals for web designing in previous years, but now you have moved into a different profession. In this case, search for emails that contain keywords such as “web designing” and “freelance projects.” Results that contain these words can go into your trash.

Use Archives and Folders

Apart from the above methods, you can also try archiving emails and sending them to separate folders. Many email users are unaware of the utility of the Archive folder on their email accounts. You can quickly move the emails from your inbox to the archive folder. If there are emails that you do not need right now but are not sure if deleting them would be a good idea, it is better to relocate them to the archive. Thus, it will be available in the future and will not make your inbox look cluttered. Another way to keep your inbox light is to assign separate folders for email senders who do not send emails that need immediate attention. For example, you can always route social media notifications or banking newsletters to dedicated folders. You can always check those folders in your free time and read the emails. If you do not want to go through these manual approaches or find these insufficient to clean your Gmail inbox, you can go for any of these tools.


Sometimes, finding the urgent message from hundreds of unread email correspondence is enough to make you insane. Sanebox is here to keep you calm. It analyzes your email headers to prioritize your incoming messages and come up with a summary. Some emails can wait—the app puts these in a folder named “SaneLanter” for you to check later. To do all these, SaneBox goes through your email reply history and other vital details to find out which emails are important and which are not. It has a separate folder to store all the newsletters you get so you can check them out in your free time. SaneBox also lets you set Do Not Disturb mode when it moves new incoming emails to another folder. This app works on any account, including Gmail, Office365, and iCloud. If you do not want to unsubscribe but are not willing to see emails from a particular company or person, you can move those emails to the SaneBlackHole folder.

Clean Email

Clean Email is an ideal tool for those looking for an efficient but simple method. It lets you declutter your mailbox by unsubscribing from emails from anywhere. The sophisticated algorithm of this app intelligently puts similar emails together, making it easy for you to unsubscribe emails in bulk. Thanks to this feature, users can organize their emails seamlessly without classifying them one by one. It shows all the email subscriptions in a single dashboard, and thus, you can remove those you do not need any longer, spending the least time and effort. Besides Gmail, Clean Email offers its service for Yahoo, Outlook, Office 365, and other IMAP-based email clients. This tool comes with an attractive interface that is easy to use. Moreover, you can rely on it when it comes to data privacy. With its Auto Clean feature, you can automatically apply rules and actions to your incoming emails, such as archiving old emails and marking social media notifications as read. Additionally, you can use this tool to delete old emails and block unwelcomed email senders.


Are you tired of deleting subscription emails individually? Let Unroll.Me help you. The app identifies all subscription emails and shows you the list instantly, so you can easily unsubscribe with a click. What’s more, it lets you block annoying contacts and stop them from emailing you. After you remove the unwanted emails from your subscription list, you get the option to put all your favorite subscriptions into a digest email. This feature is called Rollup, which will keep all your subscription emails in a separate folder named Unroll.Me. Thus, these emails will stay out of your inbox, but you can access them anytime from the new designated folder. Moreover, Unroll.Me automatically organizes your subscriptions according to categories to help you quickly find the emails. Being compatible with IMAP protocol, this platform supports Gmail, Yahoo Mail,, Hotmail, AOL Mail, Windows Live, and iCloud.


Mailstrom offers you the seamless approach to cleaning up your email inbox and keeping only the crucial emails. It does not use AI technology and make presumptions about your email preferences. Instead, it puts you in power and follows your action and choices. This app bundles related emails in bulk so you can take action on them in a group. It does not impose any particular method of inbox management on its users and lets you choose the style. Its robust tools help you achieve Inbox Zero smoothly. You can quickly get rid of unwanted mailing lists by unsubscribing. Using the one-click Block function, you can add an extra layer of protection against spam and prohibit unwanted emails from cluttering your email. Even if you delete some emails accidentally using Mailstrom, do not worry. No command executed by this app is conclusive. Users can always use the Undo button to reverse the actions. Mailstrom supports all the major email service providers, including Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Verizon, AOL, and other IMAP email clients. It also follows all the data security best practices, including industry-leading encryption.


Triage is an app that works as a life-saver for people struggling to manage their inboxes due to overflowing promotional emails. Its aim is not to replace the email service you use but to remove the clutter from it for a neat emailing experience. New and unread emails appear on this app as a stack of cards. You can swipe a card/email to the left to archive it forever or swipe right to keep it in the inbox. You can also read the whole thread or send a quick reply right from the cards. Since everything happens on your device, you do not have to worry about data security. It also supports dark mode. This tool is only available to iPhone users and needs permission to access your iCloud account to store metadata, such as your account and preferences. Currently, it supports Gmail, Fastmail, iCloud Mail, and other IMAP emails. However, it does not work on multiple emails simultaneously.


Do you know that you can reduce your carbon footprint by unsubscribing to a newsletter? That is right. Cleanfox is an app that ensures you do not receive the newsletters and other emails you do not want any longer want. Thus, it reduces carbon emissions caused by the marketing email that you would have never opened. It not only cleans old and unimportant emails from your inbox. This tool also makes sure you get fewer emails of similar categories from now on. If you are worried about how Cleanfox processes your data, here is what you need to know. Its algorithm can process emails that fall under the category of order confirmations and returns, and newsletters. Besides knowing how to clean your Gmail inbox, you should know how the tool handles your data. The platform complies with GDPR and does not sell user data for advertising or profiling. However, it does sell the compiled information for statistical purposes to keep the service free for the users.


Users who want to view all their newsletters in the form of a comprehensive digest should use SubscriptionZero. This web-based tool can be used for all Microsoft and Google accounts such as Gmail (free and Google Workspace),, Office 365, Hotmail, and MSN. It saves you from searching through a mailbox full of newsletters and cold emails from marketing companies. While many email clean-up service providers want access to your mailbox, this tool does not. It functions as an online reader, where you can read, archive, and star your newsletters. Moreover, You can use it to forward existing newsletters to a particular email address. With SubscriptionZero, you can subscribe to any newsletter without sharing your email address with others. Thus, you can protect your email address from being available to third parties. Also, the app automatically blocks the newsletters, which you keep getting despite unsubscribing.

Leave Me Alone

If you are wondering how to clean your Gmail inbox, try this app named Leave Me Alone. This is a powerful email unsubscriber app that comes with a top-class service. It prioritizes users’ data privacy so you can leave your worries behind. On this tool, users can check out all the subscription emails at the same place and choose the ones they want to unsubscribe. After getting rid of the unwanted emails, it combines the remaining newsletter emails into a digest and delivers them to you daily or weekly, as your choice. Furthermore, it filters out cold and spam emails and lets emails only from trusted senders hit your inbox. You can use this platform to unsubscribe from newsletters on email clients like Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, AOL, iCloud, Fastmail, and other IMAP emails. This easy-to-navigate tool is not only available for individual users. Even large teams can use it to achieve a clutter-free inbox. It has a do-not-disturb mode that will let inboxes receive emails when you are out of the focus time range.


Are you tired of deleting cold emails from your inbox? Unsubscriber lets you clean your email inbox straight away. All you need to do is connect this tool to your email account, and it will locate all your subscriptions. Then you can unsubscribe to the unnecessary ones at one go. In addition, it identifies the emails that you should move out of your inbox and put in the archive. After getting a nod from you, it automatically cleans them and keeps your important threads on top. This platform claims not to sell user data to any third-party or marketing agencies. So, you can stay worry-free about the security and privacy of your data.


Whether you use emails for personal or professional reasons, there is a high chance of having a messy inbox due to promotional emails. Some people can stay productive while having their inboxes full of unread emails, while others struggle to stay sane with cluttered inboxes. For this reason, people often want to know how to clean their Gmail inbox. Now that you know how to clean up email using different manual and automated methods, this should not be a problem. To keep spam emails away from your inbox, you should try email spam filtering and protection tools.

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