Ecommerce companies need to actively monitor their product shipping fleets to ensure timely package delivery. Tracking also helps businesses address vehicle theft, package theft, fuel theft, and vehicle breakdown issues. However, the existing GPS-based fleet tracking is a costly technology since you need additional hardware and software. To address this, several logistics technology companies have come up with a more sustainable and cheap tracking system based on mobile SIM cards. Read on to know some of the best companies offering SIM-based tracking.

What Are SIM Trackers?

SIM trackers are tools or software that can locate a SIM’s location by analyzing its network inputs and outputs. The software can be run on a computer or smartphone, depending on the usage intention of tracking technology. SIM trackers initially existed to locate someone’s position during emergencies or locate a lost mobile phone. However, with more developments in the SIM tracking technology, it has found its way into shipping, logistics, and transport businesses. Its working is simple. The service provider helps you to track the signals of your vehicle drivers or delivery personnel. You can track the driver’s SIM or mobile if they submit the consent form sent by the telecom service provider. Currently, SIM-based tracking service providers operate on a SIM tracking consent credit model. You purchase the tracking credit from your tracking service provider, and they partner up with the telecom operators for tracking data collection. Then, the tracking vendor processes the tracking data and delivers that to you in readable and visual content through mobile or computer apps. These apps also provide you with tracking analytics data. Nowadays, SIM trackers not only locate the SIM’s location. These tools provide a host of other services too. For example, SIM tracking can also power your business with geofencing technology, sending Email or SMS alerts, accepting driver’s consent, analyzing calls and texts, and optimizing the route for delivery.

SIM Based Fleet Tracking Vs. GPS-Based Tracking

Global Positioning System or GPS-based tracking of the vehicle fleet, transport vehicles, and shipping containers has been the most sight after service until now. Shipping, logistics, and vehicle rental businesses are moving towards SIM-based tracking. Some of the reasons are:

#1. Set Up Cost

GPS-based tracking system requires a one-time investment for accessories, devices, and software. Whereas for SIM-based tracking, you do not need to invest in software or hardware. You only purchase mobile tracking consent credit from the tracking provider and use the credits to get tracking data. The vendor takes care of the data processing from the telecom operator.

#2. Maintenance Cost

In addition to a one-time investment, GPS radio devices also require maintenance, replacement upon failure, and repairs. On the contrary, you do not experience such activities for fleet tracking with SIM.

#3. Device Requirements

If you want to set up GPS-based fleet tracking, you need to get smartphones for the driver and GPS radios for the vehicles. On the other hand, SIM tracking works on any mobile phone and does not need GPS radio devices. You only need consent from the vehicle driver to track their location using their SIM. So far, you have found out a lot about SIM-based vehicle tracking systems. It is time to learn which are the best service providers if you want to shift to SIM-based tracking. Here are some high-quality options:


VamoSys possess expertise in operations, technology, communications, and data analytics. It leverage this expertise in the trucking and logistics field to develop sustainable, affordable, and better fleet tracking than today’s GPS-based systems. One of its innovative tracking solutions is vehicle tracking based on the SIM of the vehicle attendant or driver. The service helps to drive your profit growth since you can cut down on many additional expenses that come with GPS tracking. With VamoSys’ SIM-based solution, every size of logistics business can use vehicle tracking. It helps small and medium businesses save on expenses of package theft, vehicle theft, fuel theft, delivery delay penalties, etc. Gone are the days of signing up contracts with outsourced drivers for GPS tracking. On top of that, no need to reimburse third-party drivers or vehicle owners for GPS installation. Simply share the target mobile details with VamoSys and get excellent, actionable tracking data. It has an in-house SIM tracking application that works on most feature phones and smartphones. For the client-side, VamoSys has the FleetOS software that logistics owners can access from browsers, mobiles, or computers for tracking their shipments.

Aditi Tracking

Aditi Tracking offers efficient and innovative SIM-based tracking to monitor fleet activities in different locations. It uses the geocoded location data feed from the cellular network of the vehicle attendant or driver. The company has designed the system to monitor, locate, and track the daily activities of your vehicle fleet. It does so without using any conventional GPS signal. The driver or the delivery person needs to give SIM tracking consent which you can share with Aditi Tracking to get monitoring data. Aditi Tracking’s SIM-based monitoring system is flexible. It can easily adjust itself as per the requirement of various industries like public transport, vehicle rental, logistics, healthcare, construction vehicles supplier, and e-commerce. It could be your choice for transport monitoring since the company offers pay-per-usage plans, supports all kinds of mobile phones, has no yearly contracts, has zero installation costs, and is ideal for outsourced vehicles.


Advanced, delicate, and costly device installation has always limited the usage of vehicle tracking to top-tier companies like enterprises and international carriers. Until now, small, medium, and startup businesses had to pay hefty upfront fees and maintenance charges to get fleet tracking for their logistics and shipping operations. The landscape changed with the entry of Fleetx into the SIM-based asset monitoring segment. Whether you own the vehicle fleet or hire third-party vehicles for deliveries, it does not matter as long as you subscribe to the credit-based system from Fleetx. Apart from location, Fleetx’s tool also offers trip management, delivery confirmation via OTP, delivery tracking, consent acknowledgment, and finding the shortest route.


SIMON IoT offers Internet of Things (IoT) enabled tracking services for various industries, like:

HealthcareFleet managementRetailAgriculturePublic transportationManufacturingSmart citiesConstruction

Hence, if you are from any of the businesses mentioned above, you should try out SIMON IoT for the efficient tracking of assets. Along with GPS-based tracking, they also offer SIM cards for tracking devices. Its SIM cards are IoT-enabled so that machine-to-machine communication becomes more flexible and fast. IoT-based fleet tracking mainly suffers from data connectivity issues. The tracking system could fail if there is not enough data coverage on the road. SIMON IoT resolves this issue by partnering with many tier-one telecom service providers so that your fleet is always close to you through intelligent monitoring.


FleetRobo is another trusted and reliable vendor if you are looking for affordable and efficient fleet tracking. Do not worry about higher upfront costs and maintenance expenditures since its tracking system is based on SIM card activity. The company has built on the existing SIM tracking technology to get more data from the target SIM. The process will not violate someone’s data privacy since the target personnel will undergo a consent approval process. By tracking vehicle attendants or truck drivers’ SIM signals, FleetRobo offers you real-time tracking data, live alerts, and actionable insights. Its SIM-based tracking solution comes with additional services, like shipping schedule management, delivery route management, trip management, and consent acknowledgment. FleetRobo also has its own phone application that runs on most mobile phones. Thus, you need not worry about whether the driver has a smartphone or not. Just share the driver’s mobile details like SIM number or IMEI so that the vendor can help you with tracking data. If your logistics business model hires third-party vehicles and drivers, you can still use FleetRobo’s tracking services because you do not need to install any software or hardware in the third-party vehicle. Just ask the driver to acknowledge tracking consent.

Final Words 🚛

The SIM-based tracking of vehicles or delivery drivers is becoming more common since it requires less capital input. We’ve listed some of the best ones that can fulfill your shipping, logistics, or vehicle renting business. You may also want to look at these best shipping APIs if you are planning to automate your shipping, logistics, and supply chain business.

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